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Frequency converter use and maintenance technology


Frequency converter is an electric energy control device that transforms the power frequency power supply into another frequency by using the on-off function of power semiconductor devices. Frequency conversion governor maintenance test platform is mainly composed of two parts, maintenance part and test part.

1. The frequency converter should have good grounding wire. The ground wire of the factory is seldom broken, but once broken, the frequency converter is easy to be burned out. Because if there is a motor leakage, and the ground wire of the factory is broken, strong electricity will cross into the main board of the converter through the ground wire of the converter, so that the wiring end of the main board appears strong electricity lighting, burning the main board.

2. The damage of inverter rectifier bridge is also one of the common failures of inverter. The inverter rectifier blocks produced in the early stage are mainly diode rectifier, and at present, part of the rectifier block uses thyristor rectifier mode (voltage and frequency modulation inverter).

3. Fiber problem in inverter power unit due to high pressure parts, control device belongs to low pressure parts, for low pressure and high pressure, has to ensure high security, together with the control unit and power unit must be safe intervals, to ensure in far interval signal transmission function still has the very good resistance to electromagnetic disturb, between control unit and power unit selects the optical fiber communication skills, Optical fiber and optical fiber signal transmitting/receiving as the communication medium between the controller and the power unit.